$PSWEAR ETH Contract Address



 $PSWEAR BNB Contract Address



 $PSWEAR BASE Contract Address


PSWEAR GeckoTerminal

Locked Liquidity

$PSWEAR ETH & $PSWEAR BNB Liquidity lock Certificates below: 100% Locked. Will extend forever to keep community safe. Verifiable 3rd Party Locks with DXsale can be seen on certificate links below. 

Locked Supply

$PSWEAR ETH & $PSWEAR BNB Token Supply locked for Future Utility & Partnership wallets: Will extend till needed as described. 100% SAFU – Verifiable 3rd Party Locks with Team Finance can be seen on certificate links below. 


$PSWEAR Utility Token: The $PSWEAR ETH smart contract is a reflections token that rewards the holders with reflections of every buy, sell and transfer. These are automatically distributed to the holders based on the holder percentage. We recently added a second chain to the $PSWEAR BNB the taxes will be used for further dApp Development, Expenses and a hefty buy/Burn of the $PSWEAR ETH chain.

We have plans to implement a utility that DeFi, Web2 and Web3 need. We will release info about this as we hit milestones of the marketcap. The Liquidity is locked making it safe for the community. We do have two wallets reserved for future utility use and partnerships. Those are the two largest wallets on holders list besides the deployer wallet. We will continue to work hard in the background.

I Pinky Swear

White Paper

1st Quarter 2024

How to buy $PSWEAR ETH

Create a wallet

download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to metamask.io.

Create a wallet

download metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to metamask.io..

get some Ethereum

have ETH in your wallet to swap to $PSWEAR. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

get some Ethereum

have ETH in your wallet to swap to $PSWEAR. If you don’t have any ETH, you can buy directly on metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to uniswap

connect to Uniswap. Go to app.uniswap.org in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $PSWEAR token address into Uniswap, select Pinky Swear, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Go to uniswap

connect to Uniswap. Go to app.uniswap.org in google chrome or on the browser inside your Metamask app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $PSWEAR token address into Uniswap, select Pinky Swear, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.


Swap ETH for $PSWEAR. You will need to set slippage at 5%, although you may need to use higher slippage during times of market volatility.


Swap ETH for $PSWEAR. You will need to set slippage at 6%, although you may need to use higher slippage during times of market volatility.

Future Utility

We will update this section as we make marketcap milestones.  We have plans to implement a utility that DeFi, Web2 and Web3 need. 

Tokenomics ETH


  • Launched Nov. 26th, 2023 12:15pm EST
  • Name: Pinky Swear
  • Ticker: $PSWEAR
  • Starting Price: $0.0000002144
  • Chain: Ethereum
  • Total Supply: 200,000,000,000
  • Taxes: 5% – Buys, Sells & Transfers – $PSWEAR is distributed to the holders automatically
  • Slippage 5%-8%
  • Contract Address: 0xd3fa2e666129a846ede428f244e5587971b2e240

$PSWEAR ETH Top holder wallets - Distribution for transparency

These are the distribution details of the top wallets on the holders list. These are either part of the the project wallets, uniswap and deployer. Pinky Swear is built on being 100% transparent. Majority of supply is locked and certificates are verifiable at the top of website. We also have 100% of the liquidity locked making the project SAFU!

Team Finance Lock = Future Utility & Partnerships- Wallet ends in 735c3
Deployer - Wallet ends In 192E6
Uniswap V2 - Wallet ends in ee452

Tokenomics BNB


  • Launched Dec. 24th, 2023 6:28pm EST
  • Name: Pinky Swear
  • Ticker: $PSWEAR
  • Starting Price: $0.0000002624
  • Chain: BNB
  • Total Supply: 200,000,000,000
  • Taxes: 5% – Buys, Sells Development, Expenses & Buy/Burn of $PSWEAR ETH
  • Slippage 5%-8%
  • Contract Address: 0xA9771744a71aD67cf4F649612c614d39A15A8f11

$PSWEAR BNB Top holder wallets - Distribution for transparency

These are the distribution details of the top wallets on the $PSWEAR BNB holders list. These are either part of the the project wallets, pancakeswap and deployer. Pinky Swear is built on being 100% transparent. Majority of supply is locked and certificates are verifiable at the top of website. We also have 100% of the liquidity locked making the project SAFU!

Team Finance Lock = Future Utility - Wallet ends in 18820
Future Partnerships - Wallet ends In DA861
PancakeSwap V2 - Wallet ends in 578ef
Deployer - Wallet ends In 1884b


Phase 1

  • Building Community – Ongoing 
  • Contract Deployment – Complete
  • Presale DXsale – Complete
  • Token Launch –  Complete
  • Lock Liquidity 100% – Complete
  • Locked supply – Complete

Phase 1

  • Building Community – Ongoing 
  • Contract Deployment – Complete
  • Presale DXsale – Complete
  • Token Launch –  Complete

Phase 2

  • Launch on BNB chain – Nov 2023
  • Launch on Matic chain – Sept 2024
  • Launch on BASE Chain – Aug 2024
  • Launch on AVAX chain –
  • Launch on SOL chain –
  • Launch on To Be Announced chain
  • CMC & CG Application- Submitted
  • Whitepaper release – 1st QTR 2024
  • Merch Store Release – Building
  • 500 Holders

Phase 2

  • Launch on BNB chain – Nov 2023
  • Launch on Matic chain – Sept 2024
  • Launch on BASE Chain – Aug 2024
  • Launch on AVAX chain –
  • Launch on SOL chain –
  • Launch on To Be Announced chain
  • CMC & CG Application- Submitted
  • Whitepaper release – 1st QTR 2024
  • Merch Store Release – Building
  • 500 Holders

Phase 3

  • Business incorporation
  • Partnership Collaborations
  • Utility/dApp Announcement
  • NFT release
  • 1,000 Holders

Phase 3

  • Business incorporation
  • Partnership Collaborations
  • Utility/dApp Announcement
  • NFT release
  • 1,000 Holders

Phase 4

  • Coin tracker listings
  • DEX listings
  • Utility/dApp Beta Release
  • 2,000 Holders

Phase 4

  • Coin tracker listings
  • DEX listings
  • Utility/dApp Beta Release
  • 2,000 Holders

Phase 5

  • CEX listings
  • Conference, Summits, Crypto Events
  • 10,000 Holders

Phase 5

  • CEX listings
  • Conference, Summits, Crypto Events
  • 10,000 Holders

About The TEam

Updating soon


Email us: pswear@pinkysweartoken.com

Pinky Swear Token

Pinky SWEAR Is a meme token built by the community with reflections to the holders! Stay strong and load up as we build something that DeFi, Web2 & Web3 need. Not financial advice. Do your own research and read Disclaimer below.

Discord – Telegram – Twitter – Facebook – Instagram – YouTube – TikTok – Medium – Reddit – GitHub – BitBucket – NFT Collection – Extra 


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